Bodybuilding & Physical Culture

Friday, May 14, 2010

Quick Post

So I have been doing the 5 meals a day for a week, and as of this point I am kind of enjoying it. As I mentioned before it is an odd feeling for me as I never feel real strong hunger like I did eating 3 meals a day. I considered stopping after the second day, but stuck with it and now I am enjoying it. The only part I don't care for is managing my time so that I can cook what I need to. But I am getting used to it.

My routine has been a little modified but I have seen some really good results. I have split my routine into twice a day instead of one longer session hitting two body parts each day. I hit each body part twice a week and have actually seen improvements in my lifts. Each session is 45min-1hr.

Today was the second deadlift training day. I pyramided up to a 300lb x 5 which felt really good. I am trying to make slow and steady progress. Any one that deadlifts knows the biggest problem with them.....Your Shins Take A Beating
Here are mine even after wearing long pants:


  1. I might also add that I have been peeling my potatoes so we will see how that treats me.

    And, I have been emailing with peat and am still putting together some ideas how I may modify my diet in the future.

  2. I've talked to other lifters and they've said you want to avoid scraping your shins. It's unnecessary for deadlifts. I've gotten some great quality sets in without scraping my knees. If you're able to avoid it that would probably be best IMO.

    What are your currently doing for running Riles? I was considering changing my routine up to where I initially do a 1 minutes warm up stretch and then do a medium jog at a 6-10 minute mile pace for 3 minutes.

  3. My lifting buddy helped me on how to avoid hitting my knees on the eccentric part of the lift. I have never heard anything bad about the shin part though.
    As far as running, I don't do any. But occasionally i will play a little basketball or the like.

  4. I'm now considering running again as a part of warm up as my body just feels too stiff when I begin to lift. A run to bring circulation and oxygen to all of my body, shifting the muscles and joints, and just getting everything to work together in harmony during work out.

    This would be a awareness run where I use good posture and focus on utilizing all the muscles of the body in balance. Using arms, legs, good body alignment, and mid section for proper balance/muscular development. I would also focus on my breathing so as to get in a comfortable flow of oxygen throughout the body to improve concentration and circulation.

  5. Ray Peat recommends consuming 100 grams of collagen a day. He has an article on it, not sure which one. You can have collagen raw or cooked. Raw is probably better as it contains enzymes that further aid in the absorption and assimilation of collagen. You might want to check it out. Your recovery will improve greatly.

    It's just very inconvenient to walk around with scabs on your shins. It wouldn't look good in a bodybuilding competition either.

    Here's a good article on glutathione, may give you ideas for your nutrition. Show it to Ray Peat if you can.:

  6. When I did 5 meals per day I made it much more convenient by just eating the same meal every time 1 day, then switching to something else the next. In the morning I was basically cooking breakfast for 5. Redundant, but it works.

  7. @ Danny: interesting about the collagen but what are good sources? especially when aiming for 100g per day......

    As for Gluthaione I know Art DeVany is a huge proponent of the stuff, not sure myself though especially in its capsule form as for good whey protein I am a believer in the stuff......

  8. Riles,
    Matt's idea is pretty good. You should not have to cook your meals 5 times a day. Just make enough for 5 meals when you cook breakfast or dinner. Or, do like I do and cook enough meat for a week on Sunday night and just divide it up for the week. You will never be successful in maintaining this as a permanent part of your lifestyle unless you get into a more convenient system of food prep. You have got to have consistency over the long term in both diet and training to make progress. You need to stop changing your diet and training. Find your sweet spot and stick with it.

  9. @ Chris
    Here is a link to some quality collagen:

    As far as Gluth, I'm not sure it as truly that effect. I have read stuff that debates on its digestibility and absorption, as well as the fact that it can be synthesized from the commonly consumed amino acids cysteine, glutamic acid and glycine.

    Whey on the other hand is something that I am researching. It does have a higher ratio of tryptophan but it may be a negligible detail in certain scenarios.

  10. @ JT
    I agree with you that you should find a sweet spot and stick with it. For losing bodyfat my sweet spot was eating lean beef, egg whites and mostly white potatoes which I have been eating for 6-8 months. This may not be my dietary "sweet spot" for adding muscle mass though. I personally believe that our bodies are in a constant but gradual flux and that we may need to change to accommodate certain goals to produce the best results. That is why I am constantly comparing diets and exercises to understand why at certain points one works best for one person at that particular time but then they change to another to facilitate further change.

  11. @ JT
    I agree with you that you should find a sweet spot and stick with it. For losing bodyfat my sweet spot was eating lean beef, egg whites and mostly white potatoes which I have been eating for 6-8 months. This may not be my dietary "sweet spot" for adding muscle mass though. I personally believe that our bodies are in a constant but gradual flux and that we may need to change to accommodate certain goals to produce the best results. That is why I am constantly comparing diets and exercises to understand why at certain points one works best for one person at that particular time but then they change to another to facilitate further change.

  12. The supplement direct link for collagen was good. I just wish it would say how many pounds of collagen are contained in each pack. Otherwise sugar free jello and stock bone broth with chicken or cow feet would be good sources of collagen.

    The best sources of glutathione I have found are 1. 0 hour undenatured colostrum. 2. raw fertile eggs. 3. undenatured whey protein concentrate. 4. raw milk.

    For best glutathione production they need to be higher in albumin protein and the amino acids glycine, cysteine, and glutamic acid. The production of glutathione is several times higher from raw sources. It is good to have a raw meat/fish too as they also contain alpha lipoic acid and co-q10. Glutathione multiplies the benefits of these and other anti-oxidants such as vitamin c and e. Quality exercise may also be able to naturally boost glutathione production by 20%. This increases joint, cartilage, muscle, and bone recovery.

  13. Riles,
    You shouldn't have to change what you are eating if this is what made you feel and perform well. The only thing you really need to change is quantity if you want to get bigger. The only thing that is going to get you bigger, is if you are eating an excess of calories. There are no magic superfoods that are going to cause you to get bigger if you aren't eating enough calories. After reading all of your blog posts and history it seems like your biggest block to success is sticking with one thing long enough.
    So what is your exact diet and training program? What are your expected goals? What is your time period that you plan on sticking with this plan before you change again?

  14. Riles,
    Just a little update on my fructose experiment, I don't really notice a difference in energy or muscle growth with the addition of orange juice in the morning. However, my acne seems to have gotten a little worse. I'll continue with the orange juice for a little while more but I'll probably just go back to eating more potatoes or rice since the fructose addition doesn't seem to provide any benefits to me.

  15. Milk Thistle, curcumin, and vitamin D intake also increase the production of glutathione. Alcohol and Tylenol decrease the production of glutathione. Obviously a high calorie diet with plenty of protein should be the main focus when developing muscle and size.

  16. Hi there,
    got a little sidetracked with my workouts once again. School demanded some more attention than usual and I think I still have to deal with an infection and am debating whether to go to the doctor or not. Well whatever, restarted with your workout suggestions, already did chest and legs, but I still have some questions regarding the bi-/triceps workout:
    1)Press Behind the Neck: Are those done seated or standing. I'm only used to overhead presses, what's the difference between those two?
    2)Lying French Curl: Could you post a link/video explaining the exercise or explain it yourself?

  17. I have the same problem. Sometime life just gets in the way. Just keep on training when you can until it becomes second nature.

    @ question 1 - I like to do them seated as I feel they are a little more concentrated, overhead press is very similar but I feel behind the neck works all 3 heads of the shoulder best.

    @ question 2 - Its known by several names but here is the technique I like


    Check this out if you're ever interested in practicing the snatch. It's a great overall strength builder and you gain better control with lifts such as deadlifts, squats, and military presses. It teaches you to use you lower, middle, and upper body together which promotes greater anabolic growth.

    The only difference between this and the official olympic snatch is that you have to start in a fully squated position with the official snatch like this:

  19. Yeah, so hang snatchs or hang clean and jerk maybe be better when you're learning and practicing the movement. Here are some good videos of the clean and jerk too.

  20. Hey Riles,

    Will here from 180DH. How lean did you get doing the lean beef, egg whites, and potatoes? Did you add anything to the potatoes to make them palatable, like butter or olive oil or anything? So you did that 5x a day and did high volume weight training? End of secret, LOL! How were your macro ratios? I'm just looking to lean out a little bit more and the thought of carb cycling isn't very appealing to me right now because I did it for so long.



  21. Hey Will,

    I got to about 9% bodyfat.

    I basically was eating 3 meals a day. No closer than 5 hours or so from the end of one meal to the beginning of the next.

    Food was Breakfast 7 am - 12 egg whites + 1 lb of white potatoes boiled, a tiny tiny amount of coconut oil to fry the egg whites with. I added salt and pepper and chopped green onions

    Lunch 1230 - 8-12 oz of 98% lean ground sirloin + 2 lbs of boiled potatoes. I cooked the meat with a chopped up fresh serrano chili pepper and sometimes a tiny amount of white onion. Salt and black pepper to taste.

    Dinner 7pm - About the same as lunch but with about 1.5 lbs of potatoes instead.

    Macros worked out to be about 30 pro/55 carb/10 fat give or take. And, my workouts were 3-4x exercises per bodypart 6 sets of 12 reps. Just like serge nubret's.

  22. i just recently did an experiment with the 5+ meals aday and didnt really see any difference and it was a little impractical for me so I am back to the 3 aday.


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