Monday - Chest & Back
Incline DB Bench Press 6 x 6-8
Flat DB Flys 6 x 8
DB Pullover 6 x 8
Lat Pulldown (Wide Overhand Grip) 6 x 6-8
Cable Row 6 x 8
Tuesday - Shoulder, Bi & Tri
Behind Neck Shoulder Press 6 x 6-8
Lateral DB Raise 6 x 8
Standing BB Curl 6 x 6-8
Incline DB Curl 6 x 8
Lying French Press 6 x 8
Tri Rope Extension 6 x 8
Wednesday - Legs & Lower Back
Leg Extension 6 x 8-10
Front Squat 6 x 6
Romanian Deadlift 4 x 8
Thursday - Chest & Back
Flat Bench Press 6 x 6
Incline DB Flys 6 x 8
Straight Arm Pulldown 6 x 8
Chin Up/Supinated Lat Pulldown 6 x 6
Bent-over Row 6 x 8
Friday - Shoulders, Bi & Tri
DB Shoulder Press 6 x 6-8
Upright Row 6 x 8
Preacher Curl 6 x 6
Concentration Curl 6 x 8
DB Lying French Press 6 x 8
Tri Pushdown 6 x 8
Completed Six Weeks of Above Routine
Completed Six Weeks of Above Routine