-A personal experience with nutrition and exercise-

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Late Posting

Thursday I trained quads

5x10 Back Squats (on 2x4 board)
5x10 Front squats (on 2x4 board)

I found that I really enjoyed the front squats and was able to get really deep. I think I will be making them my main leg exercise.

On another note, I am still trying to decide on my new routine. I believe it will be a 2 day split twice a week.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Today I trained Delts and Bi's/Tri's

Behind Neck Press: 5x10
Lateral Raise: 5x12
Upright Row: 5x12

Bi/Tri Supersetted
Wide grip elbows in Barbell Curl: 6x10
Lying French Press: 6x10

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

The Current Diet

So this is pretty much what my diet looks like each day

500g of Potatoes
11 egg whites + 1 egg yolk
*couple of green onions

600g of Potatoes
228g Lean Ground Beef Sirloin
*1/4 onion, 1-2 hot peppers, bunch of fresh dill
75g Kale or Mustard Greens

600g of Potatoes
228g Lean Ground Beef Sirloin
*1/4 onion, 1-2 hot peppers, bunch of fresh dill
75g Kale or Mustard Greens

(i use a little coconut oil to cook all the vegetables and beef)

I eat this pretty much every day, I broke down the macros using CRON-o-Meter
and it comes out to be 30/53/17 P/C/F. Also, the only vitamin/mineral that is low in my diet is Vit D which I am not 100 percent convinced is actually low.

First Post

So, I am poppin the bloggin cherry with this post. I think I'll start by saying that I intend to try several dietary and exercise programs this year and will be posting my progress.